Last week we welcomed 30 private brands professions to Washington, DC for the second Private Brands DC Summit. The group enjoyed discussing different legislative and regulatory issues facing the private brands business and an evening reception at the Canadian Embassy, where the photo below was taken.

<p>Last week we welcomed 30 private brands professionals to Washington, DC for the second <a href="">Private Brands DC Summit</a>. The group enjoyed discussing different legislative and regulatory issues facing the private brands business and an evening reception at the Canadian Embassy, where the photo below was taken.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> A lot was covered at the Summit&mdash;and you can catch up on some of the conversations missed by joining us for a webcast hosted by Oracle Data Cloud on <a href=";deletecookie=true&amp;eventid=1273418&amp;sessionid=1&amp;key=353E182C4066EB8999E8D7B0D71C620E&amp;regTag=&amp;sourcepage=register" target="_blank">What Matters to Millennials and Why Private Label Delivers It</a>.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <center> <img data-customsizemethodproperties="{'MaxWidth':'600','MaxHeight':'600','ScaleUp':false,'Quality':'High'}" data-method="ResizeFitToAreaArguments" style="vertical-align: middle; margin: 10px;" title="Private Brands" alt="Private Brands" data-displaymode="Custom" src=";MaxWidth=600&amp;MaxHeight=600&amp;ScaleUp=false&amp;Quality=High&amp;Method=ResizeFitToAreaArguments&amp;Signature=F97EA982913F1CF1F508F6528CBAC129" /></center>

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