In 2016, the FMI Foundation made huge strides to help Americans eat one more family meal at home each week. September, National Family Meals Month™ transitioned from a social media campaign to a living, breathing campaign alive in stores, on TV, on the radio, and in print and digital advertising.
<p>By: Sue Borra, Chief Health and Wellness Officer for FMI and Executive Director of the FMI Foundation<br /> <img src="" data-displaymode="Thumbnail" alt="National Family Meals Month In Store in 2016" title="National Family Meals Month In Store in 2016" style="float: right; margin: 10px;" /></p> <p>In 2016, the <a href="">FMI Foundation</a> made huge strides to help Americans eat one more family meal at home each week. September, <a href="">National Family Meals Month™</a> transitioned from a social media campaign to a living, breathing campaign alive in stores, on TV, on the radio, and in print and digital advertising. Some of the top examples are:</p> <ul> <li>National Family Meals Month™ featured on billboard in New York City Times Square</li> <li><a href="">National Family Meals Month™ PSA</a> featured on Litton’s Weekend Adventure on ABC Television</li> <li>Retail Dietitians were featured in TV news segments—here is an example from <a href="">Kroger’s Little Clinic</a></li> </ul> <p><img src="" data-displaymode="Thumbnail" alt="NFMM in Time Square" title="NFMM in Time Square" style="float: left; margin: 10px;" />Fifty-six retailers, 15 suppliers and 36 allied organizations promoted family meals in September. Each group personalized their extraordinary efforts in unique ways including meal kits, in-store cooking classes, photo contests, community partnerships and more. The best National Family Meal Month™ campaigns will be recognized with <a href="">Gold Plate Awards</a> in January. To inspire creativity for additional 2017 National Family Meals Month™ activities, the FMI Foundation has produced <a href="">retailer and supplier toolkits</a> that are full of ideas to implement next year. </p> <p>In addition to adding more pizazz to National Family Meals Month™, the FMI Foundation has completely redesigned the annual fundraising activity to highlight family meals. The brand new event called <a href=""><strong><em>Stir It Up!</em></strong></a> is an exciting, friendly, and fun cooking challenge that will provide retail and supplier sponsors the opportunity to showcase their culinary artistry and win awards honoring Family Meals – Healthiest, Easiest, Tastiest, Most Affordable, and Best Culinary Adventure. We know food retail executives can take the heat in the boardroom, but can they cut it in the kitchen? <a href="">Find out in January</a>! </p> <p>In 2016, the funds raised by the Foundation were used to award ten <a href="">Food Safety Auditor Scholarships</a> to encourage students pursuing careers in food safety. Additionally, grants were provided to important food safety programs such as Partnership for Food Safety Education <a href="">program</a> and <a href="">conference</a>, the <a href="">International Food Protection Institute’s Applied Science, Law and Policy Fellowship</a>, <a href="">Institute for Food Technologists Global Food Traceability Cente</a>r and the <a href="">Center for Produce Safety</a>.</p> <p>These programs all reinforce the mission of the FMI Foundation to focus on research and education to address food safety, health and nutrition concerns.</p>
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