Whole genome sequencing, Listeria outbreaks, FSMA deadlines, allergen recalls: the list of emerging issues and regulatory requirements seem to go on-and-on. What does all this mean and how does this impact suppliers, brands, and food safety?
<p>By: Sarah Malenich, Director, Sales & Marketing, Safe Quality Food Institute<br /> <img src="https://www.fmi.org/images/default-source/blog-images/future-of-food-safety.tmb-large-350-.jpg?sfvrsn=e7a8706e_1" data-displaymode="Thumbnail" alt="Future of Food Safety" title="Future of Food Safety" style="float: right; margin: 10px;" /></p> <p>Whole genome sequencing, <em>Listeria</em> outbreaks, FSMA deadlines, allergen recalls: the list of emerging issues and regulatory requirements seem to go on-and-on. What does all this mean and how does this impact suppliers, brands, and food safety?</p> <p>On Monday, SQFI presented a session to the audience at the <a href="https://www.specialtyfood.com/shows-events/summer-fancy-food-show/" target="_blank">Summer Fancy Food Show</a> on trends in food safety and how new technology impacts food safety, brand protection, and consumer confidence. We discussed some core food safety principles and an approach that small, local suppliers can use to build their own food safety system preparing them to meet regulatory requirements and retailer expectations.</p> <p>Here’s the reality –advancing technology is changing our food safety practices. For example, new technology like DNA sequencing will make spotting foodborne illnesses and tracing them easier and faster. This means recalls will increase and inspectors will need to get to the root of problems by knocking on company’s doors more diligently. </p> <p>In the face of these changes, implementing the <a href="http://www.sqfi.com/" target="_blank">SQF Program</a> can help by providing a globally recognized farm to fork food safety and quality certification program. When the SQF Program is executed correctly, with a strong management commitment and food safety culture is instilled at a facility, your brand, your buyers and the consumer are protected. Imagine a future where food safety is not a cost center, but instead a cost saver, by keeping your products and brand safe so you make more profit. </p> <p>Bottom line: when management is committed to food safety throughout the company recalls are lower, efficiencies are increased and costs are lower. That’s a future for food safety we can all work towards. </p> <p>Check out the <a href="https://www.facebook.com/SQFInstitute/videos/vb.136940576323633/1758012767549731/?type=2&theater" target="_blank">Facebook Live</a> of our presentation and learn more about the SQF Program at <a href="http://www.sqfi.com/" target="_blank">www.SQFI.com</a>. </p> <br />
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