Hy-Vee had a simple goal that it shared with food retailers and wholesalers across the country last year and will again this September as the industry celebrates National Family Meals Month™.

<p>By: Tom Cosgrove, Manager, Program and Development, FMI Foundation<br /> <img src="https://www.fmi.org/images/default-source/blog-images/hy-vee-innovation-2.tmb-large-350-.jpg?sfvrsn=118706e_1" data-displaymode="Thumbnail" alt="Hy-Vee Innovation" title="Hy-Vee Innovation 2" style="float: right; margin: 10px;" /></p> <p><a href="https://www.hy-vee.com/">Hy-Vee</a> had a simple goal last year as they celebrated <a href="https://www.fmi.org/family-meals">National Family Meals Month</a>&trade;. They knew that, if families can simply share one more meal together each week, the health and societal benefits can be enormous.<br /> <br /> This is how successful last year&rsquo;s Hy-Vee&nbsp;<a href="https://www.fmi.org/family-meals">National Family Meals Month</a>&trade; campaign to encourage families to enjoy regular meals together was:</p> <ul> <li>More than 302,000 families posted photos of themselves enjoying a meal together using the hashtag <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23hyveefamilymeals&amp;src=typd" target="_blank">#HyVeeFamilyMeals</a> on social media. In return, as promised, Hy-Vee donated $100,000 to Heartland, a nonprofit dedicated to feeding the hungry.</li> <li>More than 41,500 kids enjoyed a free meal at one of the 90-plus Market Grill restaurants in Hy-Vee stores when the chain offered a kids-eat-free deal in exchange for the purchase of an adult entr&eacute;e.</li> <li>At least 45 television and radio stations broadcast interviews with Hy-Vee dietitians throughout the eight Midwestern states where Hy-Vee stores are located.</li> <li>Nearly 2.5 million people received messages about National Family Meals Month&trade; from Hy-Vee via e-mail, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.</li> </ul> <p>These examples and more can be found in FMI Foundation&rsquo;s <a href="https://www.fmi.org/family-meals/toolkits/best-practice-guide">Best Practices for National Family Meals Month&trade; 2017</a>.</p> <p>Understanding how important the annual month-long event was, the company marshalled all 84,000 of its employees &ndash; including 228 dietitians in 242 stores &ndash; in the effort.</p> <p>The first step Hy-Vee took was to carefully prepare the collateral materials it would need to make its case to the consumers throughout the region it serves. This content includes:</p> <ul> <li><a href="https://www.facebook.com/englewoodhyvee/videos/vb.163780300308015/1277648795587821/?type=2&amp;theater" target="_blank">TV commercials and videos</a> that could be uploaded to social media channels</li> <li>In-store and in-restaurant point-of-sale materials</li> <li>Scripts for in-store intercom announcements</li> <li>A full-color spread in the company&rsquo;s <em>Seasons Magazine</em></li> </ul> <p>Even then, Hy-Vee wasn&rsquo;t through laying the groundwork for what would eventually be a successful campaign.</p> <p>Next it contacted more than 40 of its vendors and asked for their assistance in promoting its <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23hyveefamilymeals&amp;src=typd" target="_blank">#HyVeeFamilyMeals</a> social media campaign. It let congressional representatives and governors in the eight states it serves know about the campaign and asked for their participation.</p> <p>There are more than 50 large school districts in the area Hy-Vee serves and each one of them got messaging about the campaign they could include in their school newsletters and communications with parents. The company followed that up with a news release that went to 2,600 media outlets and trade publications.</p> <p>By the time September 30 rolled around, you would be hard-pressed to find anybody from Minnesota and Wisconsin down to Iowa and Illinois who hadn&rsquo;t learned about Hy-Vee&rsquo;s effort to encourage families to enjoy one more meal together each week.</p> <p>What&rsquo;s your plan for this year&rsquo;s National Family Meals Month&trade;? Go to <a href="https://www.fmi.org/family-meals">www.FMIFamilyMeals.com</a> to learn how you and your company can participate.</p>

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