It’s also important for food retailers and their employees to participate in the wider community, the one that stretches farther than the local neighborhood and encompasses the entire nation. A recent study conducted by BIPAC revealed that 52 percent of those who got information from their employer said it lead them to register to vote

<p>By: Julie Schrei, Political Affairs Director, Food Marketing Institute<br /> <img src="" data-displaymode="Thumbnail" alt="Get Out the Vote 2017 Logo" title="Get Out the Vote 2017 Logo" style="float: right; margin: 10px;" /></p> <p>Successful retailers know that establishing links with the communities served is vital. That&rsquo;s why food retailers support and host local food drives and volunteer for neighborhood projects. That&rsquo;s why they find ways for their employees to participate in the lives of their customers beyond the confines of the grocery store.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s also important for food retailers and their employees to participate in the wider community, the one that stretches farther than the local neighborhood and encompasses the entire nation. &nbsp;A <a href="">recent study conducted by BIPAC</a> revealed that 52 percent of those who got information from their employer said it lead them to register to vote.</p> <p>FMI is joining dozens of other organizations and companies in supporting <strong>Employee Voter Registration Week Sept. 25-29</strong>. Every food retailer in the United States is being encouraged to take this opportunity to make sure their employees are registered to vote and are prepared to participate in our democracy.</p> <p>Recent history has shown that every vote in an election counts. But Americans can&rsquo;t vote if they&rsquo;re not registered.</p> <p>Employee Voter Registration Week is an effort to guarantee that the vote of every employee in the food retailing industry is counted. This initiative does not tell employees how to vote, but simply makes sure they are able to participate in decisions about the future of their country.</p> <p>Visit <a href=""></a> for free resources for you to use in promoting Employee Voter Registration Week:</p> <ul> <li>Downloadable examples of e-mail messages, banners and ad graphics you can use to promote your company&rsquo;s initiative.</li> <li>Important information on election rules and laws in your specific state and county</li> </ul> <p>According to <a href="">Pew Research</a>, the United States ranks 31st among 35 developed countries in terms of voter participation. This is your chance to help turn that statistic around.</p>

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