As food retailers, our highest priority is food safety. We understand the importance of sourcing safe, quality ingredients from vendors and ensuring prepared foods are pathogen free. The holidays offer a special opportunity to share the significance of food safety with our customers.

<p>By: Adam Friedlander, Specialist, Food Safety and Technical Services, Food Marketing Institute</p> <p><img src=";MaxWidth=275&amp;MaxHeight=&amp;ScaleUp=false&amp;Quality=High&amp;Method=ResizeFitToAreaArguments&amp;Signature=2B621AC9EB72CE97DD4D672ED508A95B" data-displaymode="Custom" alt="SafeCookTemp" title="SafeCookTemp" style="float: right; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 10px;" data-method="ResizeFitToAreaArguments" data-customsizemethodproperties="{'MaxWidth':'275','MaxHeight':'','ScaleUp':false,'Quality':'High'}" />For <a href="">twenty years</a>, the Food Marketing Institute (FMI) has united with the non-profit <a href="">Partnership for Food Safety Education</a> (PFSE) to advance consumer knowledge of basic food safety practices at their home. Emphasizing science-based messaging and resources, PFSE aims to reduce foodborne illness through a variety of educational programs, including <a href=""><em>The Story of Your Dinner</em></a>, a campaign designed to help consumers better understand their relevance in the chain of preventing food safety errors. </p> <p>As food retailers, our highest priority is food safety. We understand the importance of sourcing safe, quality ingredients from vendors and ensuring prepared foods are pathogen free. The holidays offer a special opportunity to share the significance of food safety with our customers.&nbsp; </p> <p>PFSE promotes <a href="">four core practices</a> to serve as reminders for consumers in their kitchens: </p> <ol> <li><a href="">Clean</a>: Wash hands and surfaces often.</li> <li><a href="">Separate</a>: Do not cross-contaminate.</li> <li><a href="">Cook</a>: Cook to the safe internal temperature.</li> <li><a href="">Chill</a>: Refrigerate or freeze promptly. Use or freeze leftovers within 3-4 days. &nbsp;</li> </ol> <p>These four messages remain constant against the backdrop of shifting consumer food preferences and changes in the food retail landscape. FMI will continue to support the PFSE mission to prevent foodborne illness. </p> <p>Dr. Hilary Thesmar, PhD, RD, CFS, chief food and product safety officer and senior vice president of food safety programs at FMI, and board chairman of PFSE, said: &ldquo;Ninety-five percent of shoppers trust their grocery store to ensure that the food they purchase is safe, per the FMI&rsquo;s <a href="">U.S. Grocery Shopper Trends 2017</a> report. Our food retail members prioritize shopper safety, and that commitment extends to supporting and educating customers once they take the products home. By encouraging shoppers to make PFSE core practices part of their daily routine, families can share healthier and safer meals together.&rdquo; </p> <p>For more information on how to keep your Thanksgiving meals safe, check out <a href=""></a> for <a href="">Food Safety Tips</a> and <a href="">Turkey Handling Instructions</a>, or visit <a href=""></a>. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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