We can either let others upset our apple carts on their terms, or we can work with our supplier partners to upend our own apple carts in order to see things in new ways, making the needed adjustments to create the more agile marketplace our shoppers want. The 2019 FMI Midwinter Executive Conference provides content that can help you determine which of your carts need to be upended.

<p>By Leslie G. Sarasin, President and CEO, Food Marketing Institute <br /> <img src="https://www.fmi.org/images/default-source/blog-images/apple-cart.tmb-small.jpg?sfvrsn=e78b416e_1" data-displaymode="Thumbnail" alt="Apple Cart" title="Apple Cart" style="float: right; margin: 10px;" /> <br /> Every day and at every turn, new disruptive competitors and increased expectations from customers are challenging tried and true industry practices and our customary ways of operating. But we have choices. <br /> <br /> We can either let others upset our apple carts on their terms, or we can work with our supplier partners to upend our own apple carts in order to see things in new ways, making the needed adjustments to create the more agile marketplace our shoppers want. The <strong><a href="http://link.fmi.org/wf/click?upn=Fkr4TivXacG5fnJSqFjMRVGysq-2Fs7Vl5oCTyfglKCiOvNlbtu97sGv0TTkKWu6jpuDZW22iDVE5z7ieEjBfnssU4sNKTh0Vv5w5YF1o0zJFqFExoyyzMDB0utUfzzFXR950usSgiBQSxwXWwL-2FxOPNgVbatw9k3BdzFCqm-2B9iWojPndx9HGxwG0h0d1giRoe8F8gvAlNBTIg3UzrOafyp5Ct6aZL0Eyk3DXropoMZYEvXmgTe12BSu5QUpdsup0UsfAH82qtKz-2FgMxC75fdvVSZSgx2-2BEPqo3y-2B3ZXSbX7wDU6kkguWhEesUpiaEzcyOoqrv9byw96YBpW8jMozcfw6hkP2xPh-2BOq7g9h4Z7OKRv977ytwdHSsCUY4dnBCLWwhk9aVf-2FG6cNRRNhh816pQ-3D-3D_5U8DIEgXCsP0Fwhxn5wJMAIlNd5qkHaqFqx7FQzgyC3a5cXiat2Rt-2B9rv7ft7vtAGKLW-2BF4hyd7GYW6NqJexCuN4bA0v39mDiRay2DbGozf6cbGd7GIouJ1RCSIjb8u3Tb-2BnJuMBhyBepS3OQxrL6-2BmOYvMNVm0Dwhw62XgXQVL7zc1AVAS-2FbembxkGG7u-2BaYk1LwOdRQgoXTXfD0jibO0fqXfJwS2hj38Tm5AE7QABzFaAUmAjg-2FR7odVRsqmASk7c21l2ObMbyAhDcVrk725FWqFucZ3ZoYLCpkZ38NqqZj-2BHCFbrtf6OMMiHxR-2FV6YoSh-2BP8WKnFZWD-2BlIWMN-2BJ11WTbhqdTev7VqhPyN6bMdV-2FMaWclW3S8zfdAY-2FlWu5JGAKhZ8TMaenm4HOmASJd5We1rkPFzgPch-2FG8iT-2BS0-3D" target="_blank">2019 FMI Midwinter Executive Conference</a></strong> provides content that can help you determine which of your carts need to be upended.</p> <h5> Why collaborate? </h5> <p>Because change, while one of life&rsquo;s certainties, is never easy, especially when it is coming at us from multiple directions&mdash;geographically, demographically and technologically. There has never been a more important time for us to gather as an industry to find strength in numbers, wisdom in sharing and support through collaboration. <br /> <br /> Together, we can more boldly face the future, creating nimbleness and efficiency. Midwinter provides an environment rich in resources on how best to strengthen processes and margins, including augmenting business processes with technology.<br /> <br /> Successful consumer product and retail companies are discovering that digital transformation is about using technology to focus on the customer, not just internal efficiencies. <a href="https://www.fmi.org/midwinter-conference/strategic-meetings">Midwinter exchange meetings</a> can help you get this right, putting you in a position to realize the potential revenues and profits.</p> <p>Learn more about the <a href="https://www.fmi.org/midwinter-conference">FMI Midwinter Executive Conference</a> and see you in Miami!</p>

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