If there is anything Sunday’s lowest scoring Super Bowl proved it’s that Bear Bryant’s legendary quote, “Offense sells tickets, but defense wins championships,” still stands true in the glitz and glamour of today’s NFL. With that same mentality, FMI is looking forward to another year partnering with National Retail Federation (NRF) to host the PROTECT 2019 conference and further our defense against theft and cyber risk.

<p>By: Chad Ross, Manager, Industry Relations &amp; Total Store Collaboration, Food Marketing Institute<br /> <img src="https://www.fmi.org/images/default-source/blog-images/tom_brady_with_vince_lombardi_trophy.tmb-large-350-.jpg?sfvrsn=cf934b6e_1" data-displaymode="Thumbnail" alt="Tom_Brady_with_Vince_Lombardi_trophy" title="Tom_Brady_with_Vince_Lombardi_trophy" style="float: right; margin: 10px;" /> </p> <p>If there is anything Sunday&rsquo;s lowest scoring Super Bowl proved it&rsquo;s that Bear Bryant&rsquo;s legendary quote, &ldquo;Offense sells tickets, but defense wins championships,&rdquo; still stands true in the glitz and glamour of today&rsquo;s NFL. With that same mentality, FMI is looking forward to another year partnering with <a href="https://nrf.com/">National Retail Federation</a> (NRF) to host the <a href="https://nrfprotect.nrf.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAheXiBRD-ARIsAODSpWP_BxyUkE-RcmAiMuvPDIsGs4fWYgea9xCNDlFBnG2pIit_1TUdwnoaAtQ_EALw_wcB">PROTECT 2019</a> conference and further our defense against theft and cyber risk.</p> <p>The new marketplace is one of the emerging issues FMI has identified as a priority for food retail. According to <a href="https://www.fmi.org/forms/store/ProductFormPublic/the-digitally-engaged-food-shopper-developing-your-omnichannel-collaboration-model">FMI/Nielsen&rsquo;s Digitally Engaged Shopper Study (2018),</a> 49 percent of U.S. consumers are shopping for consumer packaged goods products online. This emerging new marketplace will be a combination of in-store and online to meet the shopper where they are. When it comes to asset protection and cyber security, this dual marketplace combination presents some new challenges. Is your organization equipped to defend against ever evolving cyber threats while still maintaining in-store asset protection best practices? In other words, are you ready to run two defenses at the same time? </p> <p>By attending the PROTECT conference you will gain the skills needed to play defense by:</p> <ul style="list-style-type: disc;"> <li>Learning from leading food retail and restaurant brands in education sessions;</li> <li>Exploring the latest risk and safety, loss prevention, asset protection and cybersecurity solutions with exhibitors that have a&nbsp;track record of success with businesses like yours;</li> <li>Networking with asset protection and safety executives from other restaurants, grocery, drug stores, convenience and retail fuel stations at networking events like the Food Retailer Breakfast or on the EXPO floor at the dedicated FMI Lounge; and</li> <li>Benefiting from the FMI member rate &mdash; FMI members receive the NRF retailer member rate!</li> </ul> <p>FMI&rsquo;s asset protection member Steve Hoptay, vice president of asset protection for Wakefern Food Corp. attended last year&rsquo;s event and afterwards stated, &ldquo;We realized that ALL food marketers are retailers, but NOT all retailers market food. NRF PROTECT 2018 provided a great blend of the two, which benefited our team and company tremendously. We were provided a much broader view of asset protection issues across the entire retail industry, which is serving us well.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href="https://nrfprotect.nrf.com/register" class="button-secondary">Register Today</a></p>

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