The five Olympic rings aren’t the only thing food retailers will notice at 2020 Olympic games in Tokyo, Japan. The SQF Food Safety Code for Primary Production has been recognized as a procurement standard for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games.

<p>By: Sarah Malenich, Director, Marketing &amp; Sales, Food Marketing Institute&nbsp;</p> <p><img src="" data-displaymode="Thumbnail" alt="Tokyo olympics and SQFI" title="Tokyo olympics and SQFI" style="float: right; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 10px;" />The five Olympic rings aren&rsquo;t the only thing food retailers will notice at 2020 Olympic games in Tokyo, Japan. The SQF&nbsp;Food Safety Code for Primary Production&nbsp;has been recognized as a procurement standard for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. &nbsp;</p> <p>SQFI has developed an addendum to supplement the SQF Primary Production Code that prescribes the stringent sustainability, environmental and welfare requirements prescribed by the Tokyo Organizing Committee. Growers and producers will be required to achieve and maintain certification to the SQF Food Safety Code for Primary Production and the SQF Tokyo Sustainability addendum. The recognition includes the production of livestock (beef cattle, dairy cattle, chickens and pigs); growing and production of fresh fruit, vegetables, and nuts; and extensive broad-acre agricultural operations including rice production.</p> <p> &ldquo;SQF certification allows food safety and quality systems to be verified and validated throughout the food chain, increasing brand protection, consumer confidence and loyalty. SQF is recognized by retailers, foodservice providers and regulatory agencies around the world that require HACCP food safety and quality management systems by their suppliers,&rdquo; said Robert Garfield, chief food safety assessment officer &amp; SVP at SQFI. &nbsp;</p> <p>The SQF Tokyo Sustainability Addendum builds on the food safety foundation in the SQF Food Safety Code for Primary Production by adding the sustainability requirements in the Tokyo Olympic Committee procurement standards. SQF offers Japanese producers and manufacturers credibility and food safety assurance.&nbsp;SQF offers local and overseas buyers the confidence in suppliers that are certified to a globally recognized food safety management standard based on Codex HACCP and regulatory requirements.&nbsp;Coupled with certification to the Tokyo Sustainability Addendum, SQF also offers producers the opportunity to improve their sustainability requirements and to supply product into the food supply chain for the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic games.</p> <p>More information on the Tokyo 2020 Sustainability Plan can be found at <a href=" ">;</a></p>

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