Contacting your elected officials, telling your story and staying engaged really can make a difference. A whopping 92 percent of Congressional staff have said that "individualized email messages" from constituents would have at least some influence on an undecided lawmaker. Nearly 80 percent agree that personal stories from constituents related to an issue are helpful in shaping congressional opinion.

<p>By: Mike Green, Senior Manager, State Government Relations, Food Marketing Institute<br /> <img src="" data-displaymode="Thumbnail" alt="FMI Advocacy Center" title="FMI Advocacy Center" style="float: right; margin: 10px;" /></p> <p>It is a sad irony that in this era of hyper digital connectedness, people feel more disconnected from their government. This impulse is understandable though. For most of us, it has been years since our last civics class, and whether in the halls of Congress or state capitals across the country, the lawmaking process can seem remote and opaque. To put a number on it: according to a&nbsp;<a href="" target="_BLANK">July 2016 Rasmussen survey</a>, only 11 percent of respondents thought members of Congress actually listen to the constituents they represent.</p> <p>Yet nothing could be further from the truth. Contacting your elected officials, telling your story and staying engaged really can make a difference. A whopping 92 percent of Congressional staff <a href="" target="_BLANK">have said</a> that "individualized email messages" from constituents&nbsp;would have at least some influence on an undecided lawmaker. Nearly 80 percent agree that personal stories from constituents related to an issue are helpful in shaping congressional opinion.</p> <p>So, to advance food retail&rsquo;s priorities at all levels of government, food retail&rsquo;s story must be heard at all levels of government. To make this happen, FMI has launched a new, easy to use grassroots advocacy platform. The new <a href="" target="_BLANK">FMI Advocacy Center</a> will help us all grow and deepen our connections with our members of Congress, and make sure we stay engaged with them on important issues. As a first step, we&rsquo;re asking that you <a href="" target="_BLANK">Pledge to be a Grocery Advocate</a> by signing up to receive our alerts and committing to take action on behalf of the industry. You can also <strong>text the word GROCERY to 52886</strong> from your phone to sign up.<u5:p></u5:p></p> <p>Once you&rsquo;re at the new advocacy center, you can also <a href="">look up</a> your federal, state and local lawmakers and <a href="">send a letter</a> introducing yourself to your members of Congress and invite them on a store tour. &nbsp;A new Congress is&nbsp;the perfect opportunity to educate legislators&nbsp;about our industry and the&nbsp;challenges and opportunities&nbsp;we face as sellers of food, as business leaders and as employers of a dedicated and unique workforce.&nbsp;After you&rsquo;ve sent your letter, keep your eyes peeled for upcoming calls to action. Our new platform will enable you to not just email your elected officials, but to tweet at them and call them as well, if you prefer.</p> Lawmaking &ndash; whether by city councils, state legislatures or the federal congress &ndash; has a significant impact on our businesses, our customers and our employees. Don&rsquo;t be disconnected from government, be a resource to it. To commit to telling our industry&rsquo;s story, head to the new <a href="">FMI Advocacy Center</a> and <a href="">Pledge to be a Grocery Advocate</a>, or <strong>text GROCERY to 52886</strong> to sign up.&nbsp;<u5:p></u5:p>

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