Food Safety Innovation Award nominations are now being accepted and are due by November 1, 2019. Presentation of the award will take place in conjunction with the FMI Food Safety Committee Meeting on January 24, 2020, in Phoenix, AZ.
By: Ashley Eisenbeiser, MS, CFS, Senior Director, Food and Product Safety Programs, Food Marketing Institute<br /> <br /> <p><img src="" data-displaymode="Thumbnail" alt="fmi-innovation-award" title="fmi-innovation-award" style="float: right; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 10px;" />The <em>New Era of Smarter Food Safety</em>, an FDA initiative to enhance FSMA implementation and leverage new and emerging technologies to advance food safety, is all the buzz these days. Blockchain, machine learning, whole genome sequencing are just a few examples of innovations being leveraged to safeguard the food supply and protect public health. The food industry is embracing these advances and with the adoption of new, cutting-edge digital solutions and innovative, scientific tools, the future of food safety is promising.</p> <p>FMI supports the advancement of food protection technologies and best practices throughout the supply chain in order assure our food is the safest it can be. In 2017, FMI, in partnership with the International Food Protection Training Institute (IFPTI), established the <a href="">Food Safety Innovation Award</a> to honor a company, organization, or regulatory agency that demonstrates a commitment to the advancement of food protection through performance, practice, creation, sustainability and leadership. </p> <p>Food Safety Innovation Award nominations are now being accepted and are due by November 1, 2019. Presentation of the award will take place in conjunction with the FMI Food Safety Committee Meeting on January 24, 2020, in Phoenix, AZ. </p> <p>For questions about the award or to submit a nomination, please contact Ashley Eisenbeiser at <a href="mailto:
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