When management is committed to creating a food safety culture, recalls and market withdraws are reduced, efficiencies are increased, and costs are lowered. As food safety professionals, we can take advantage of training and conferences/industry meetings that provide solutions to food safety problems.

By: Sarah Malenich, Director, Marketing &amp; Sales, Safe Quality Food Institute<br /> <br /> <p><img src="https://www.fmi.org/images/default-source/blog-images/45680295271_74705a3a02_c.tmb-large-350-.jpg?sfvrsn=8710536e_1" data-displaymode="Thumbnail" alt="SQFConference" title="SQFConference" style="float: right; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 10px;" />The food supply chain has become more complex from advances in technology, pressures from a &ldquo;prosumer&rdquo; world, and new risks and regulations for food and beverages. With growing challenges and a heightened focus on the food supply chain, it behooves food businesses to emphasize the importance of propagating a culture of food safety.</p> <p>When management is committed to creating a food safety culture, recalls and market withdraws are reduced, efficiencies are increased, and costs are lowered. As food safety professionals, we can take advantage of training and conferences/industry meetings that provide solutions to food safety problems.&nbsp;</p> <p>At the upcoming 2019&nbsp;<a href="https://www.sqfi.com/2019-conference/">SQF Conference</a>, we will address critical issues in food safety. Here are three key sessions on the agenda:</p> <h4><strong></strong><strong>Fake Food: Combating the Scourge of Food Fraud and Adulteration</strong></h4> <p>From &ldquo;honey laundering&rdquo; to melamine in baby formula and&nbsp;horse meat in beef products, it is estimated that food fraud and adulteration costs the global economy more than $49 billion a year. Incidents of food and beverage mislabeling and fraud, particularly in high value food commodities are on the rise, damaging public trust in the integrity of the food chain and impacting the competitiveness and resilience of food businesses. Gain insights from experts in this area on recent examples of food fraud and learn how food fraud can be predicted and mitigated.&nbsp;<a href="https://www.sqfi.com/2019-conference/program/">Learn More</a></p> <h4><strong>Forced Labor and the Impact on Supply Chains: What Retailers and Manufacturers Need to Know&nbsp;</strong></h4> <p>According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), 25 million people around the world are trapped in forced labor, a significant percentage of which are associated with manufacturing supply chains. In this eye-opening and compelling keynote, you&rsquo;ll get an overview of this troubling issue, hear strategies being implemented to address it and learn about food retail and food manufacturer liability and reputation risks. This session will offer proactive monitoring and auditing approaches that will help ensure compliance with the&nbsp;<a href="https://www.sqfi.com/what-is-the-sqf-program/ethical-sourcing/">SQF Ethical Sourcing Code</a>&nbsp;and demonstrate how companies can play a pivotal role in responsible sourcing.&nbsp;<a href="https://www.sqfi.com/2019-conference/program/">Learn More</a></p> <h4><strong>Cannabis Edibles: Understanding the Risks and Regulations</strong></h4> <p>In April 2019, the FDA moved one step closer to developing regulations for foods and beverages infused with CBD, the non-hallucinogenic compound in cannabis. Regulations are already in place in Canada and the Caribbean and cannabis-derived products will soon become mainstream. Understanding both the regulations and risks of cannabis as a dietary supplement or food ingredient will be essential for current and future certified SQF sites. In this illuminating discussion, a panel of industry experts in cannabis regulations and product/ingredient manufacturing will provide their learnings to date and answer questions from the audience.&nbsp;<a href="https://www.sqfi.com/2019-conference/program/">Learn More</a>&nbsp;<br /> <br /> <a href="https://www.sqfi.com/2019-conference/" class="button button--big">More Information on the SQF Conference</a></p>

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