Over the last few weeks, FMI and The Hartman Group have been tracking how shoppers are finding new ways of grocery shopping during this pandemic. This week, we want to take a closer look at Latinx and Black grocery shoppers compared to all shoppers as everyone adjusts to these new realities.
<p>By Steve Markenson, Director, Research, FMI<br /> <a href="https://www.fmi.org/images/default-source/blog-images/trends-covid-inforgraphic-instagram.jpg?sfvrsn=ea8180e3_0"><img src="https://www.fmi.org/images/default-source/blog-images/trends-covid-inforgraphic-instagram.tmb-large-350-.jpg?sfvrsn=ea8180e3_1" data-displaymode="Thumbnail" alt="Trends COVID Inforgraphic Instagram" title="Trends COVID Inforgraphic Instagram" data-openoriginalimageonclick="true" style="float: right; margin: 10px;" /></a></p> <p>Remember what it used to be like to shop for groceries? These days, we might have to wait in line to enter a store where we follow a one-way path through the aisles wearing a mask and keeping six feet from our fellow shoppers. Or, to avoid that scene, you might have decided to order your groceries online for delivery or pick-up. However, getting a delivery or pick-up date has been a real challenge. <a href="https://www.fmi.org/forms/store/ProductFormPublic/u-s-grocery-shopper-trends-covid-19-tracker">Over the last few weeks</a>, FMI and The Hartman Group have been tracking how shoppers are finding new ways of grocery shopping during this pandemic. This week, we want to take a closer look at Latinx and Black grocery shoppers compared to all shoppers as everyone adjusts to these new realities.</p> <h5>Concerns about COVID-19 experienced by all </h5> <p>Overall, 72% of grocery shoppers are extremely or very concerned about the COVID-19 pandemic with Latinx (77%) and Black (72%) shoppers expressing comparable levels of concern to that of the overall population. However, Latinx and Black shoppers are more likely to report a disruption in their household as a result of the pandemic. Latinx households are particularly likely to report a lost job or reduction in wages (54%), while changes in living situations are common in Latinx (16%) and Black (16%) households. </p> <h5>Everyone is adjusting their grocery shopping</h5> <p>All Americans have had to make changes in where, how and who shops for groceries as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Most shoppers (79%) have specifically made a change in where they shop and Latinx (89%) and Black (82%) shoppers are no exception. These changes include shopping at fewer stores, shopping at different stores and shopping more online. How people shop has also changed as shoppers make their trips faster, are spending more money per trip and have changed the range of products for which they shop. Latinx (93%) and Black (90%) shoppers, at slightly higher rate than the typical U. S. grocery shopper (87%), are evolving how they shop in this new environment.</p> <h5>Latinx and Black shoppers expand their online grocery shopping</h5> <p>Latinx and Back shoppers have traditionally been higher adopters of online grocery shopping, and their use of online grocery shopping is expanding. About one in four of all Latinx (24%) and Black (24%) shoppers placed their first online grocery order in the past month. When it comes to fulfillment of their online grocery orders, Latinx and Black online shoppers tend to opt for delivery or in-store pick-up over curbside pick-up. Compared to shoppers overall (3%), Latinx and Black shoppers are twice as likely to have tried an online meal-kit service for the first time in the past month.</p> <h5>Food retailers get high marks from Latinx and Black shoppers</h5> <p>While most shoppers say their stores have some or many products out of stock, shoppers continue to give their grocery store high ratings for their response to the current situation (69% top three on a 10-point scale). Latinx (64%) and Black (64%) shoppers are just as likely to give their primary store high ratings. </p> <p>FMI will be continuing to track consumer attitudes and perceptions over the coming weeks and months through our <em>U. S. Grocery Shoppers Trends COVID-19</em> tracking surveys. </p> <p><a href="https://www.fmi.org/our-research/research-reports/u-s-grocery-shopper-trends" class="button">DOWNLOAD THE REPORTS</a></p>
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