This pass month turned out to be one of the busiest election months — a record 19 states held their congressional primaries in June. Between shifting voting requirements and altering deadlines, the results of June elections will have an impact on the food industry.

<div> <p paraid="225941382" paraeid="{95ebe190-7930-4565-acc3-91e2888bbbd6}{224}">By: Tori Anderson Agee,&nbsp;Manager, Political Affairs, FMI</p> </div> <div> <p paraid="413741541" paraeid="{95ebe190-7930-4565-acc3-91e2888bbbd6}{228}"><img src="" data-displaymode="Thumbnail" alt="NEW GR ICON 2020 1024x1024" title="NEW GR ICON 2020 1024x1024" style="float: right; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 10px;" />A presidential election year is always&nbsp;a&nbsp;hustle&nbsp;&ndash; throw&nbsp;the&nbsp;COVID-19&nbsp;pandemic&nbsp;into the mix&nbsp;and you&rsquo;ll find you have the making of a&nbsp;crazy&nbsp;primary&nbsp;season.&nbsp;This pass month&nbsp;turned out to&nbsp;be&nbsp;one of the busiest&nbsp;election&nbsp;months&nbsp;&mdash;&nbsp;a&nbsp;record 19 states held their congressional primaries in June.&nbsp;Between&nbsp;shifting&nbsp;voting requirements and&nbsp;altering deadlines,&nbsp;the results of&nbsp;June&nbsp;elections&nbsp;will&nbsp;have an&nbsp;impact on the&nbsp;food&nbsp;industry.&nbsp;</p> <h5>Surprises and Upsets&nbsp;</h5> <p paraid="265818343" paraeid="{64cf3828-9806-41eb-b630-de87937b32f1}{89}">With&nbsp;one-third&nbsp;of the country holding their primaries in June, we were guaranteed to witness some&nbsp;surprising&nbsp;losses and upsets.&nbsp;Thus&nbsp;far,&nbsp;five&nbsp;incumbents have been ousted&nbsp;with&nbsp;four&nbsp;of those&nbsp;elections&nbsp;taking&nbsp;place in June.&nbsp;</p> <p data-leveltext="%1." data-font="Gadugi" aria-setsize="-1" data-aria-posinset="1" role="listitem" data-aria-level="1">1. Rep. Steve King (IA-04)&nbsp;lost GOP establishment backing after his controversial remarks over the years.&nbsp;Iowa&nbsp;Senator&nbsp;Randy Feenstra was finally able&nbsp;to end the Congressman&rsquo;s&nbsp;run,&nbsp;winning by 10 points. Feenstra strengthened&nbsp;the GOP&rsquo;s chances of maintaining its seat&nbsp;in the Hawkeye state. &nbsp; <br /> <br /> 2. Rep. Eliot Engel (NY-16) serves as the Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.&nbsp;After serving in Congress for 31 years,&nbsp;Rep. Eliot Engel (NY-16), lost&nbsp;handedly to the&nbsp;Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez-backed, progressive candidate, Jamaal Bowman.&nbsp;Bowman ended up winning the primary with 60% of the vote&nbsp;and&nbsp;will&nbsp;likely be headed to Congress in November. &nbsp;<br /> <br /> 3. Rep. Denver Riggleman&rsquo;s&nbsp;(VA-05)&nbsp;victory&nbsp;was one of the biggest surprises&nbsp;out of this primary season.&nbsp;A party-run&nbsp;convention took place&nbsp;via a&nbsp;drive-through format in Lynchburg&nbsp;where ballots were cast by around 2,500 party delegates.&nbsp;VA-05 is now considered a &ldquo;Lean Republican&rdquo; instead of &ldquo;Likely Republican,&rdquo; according to the&nbsp;Cook Political&nbsp;Report. <br /> <br /> 4. Rep. Scott Tipton (CO-03) was also a surprise&nbsp;upset. Until Tuesday night, Rep. Tipton was considered the front-runner. He lost to Lauren Boebert, who is a far-right&nbsp;QAnon&nbsp;supporter. The district has now gone from a &ldquo;Solid Republican&rdquo; seat to a &ldquo;Likely Republican&rdquo; seat as reported in the Cook Political Report. &nbsp;</p> </div> <div> <div> </div> <div> <p data-leveltext="%1." data-font="Gadugi" aria-setsize="-1" data-aria-posinset="4" role="listitem" data-aria-level="1"> </p> </div> </div> <div> <div> <h5>Toss-Up Seats&nbsp;</h5> </div> <div> <p paraid="26940196" paraeid="{6b554560-0d84-4a76-b094-8df4f2a71c15}{2}">Fourteen&nbsp;seats&nbsp;were considered &ldquo;Toss Ups&rdquo;&nbsp;this year.&nbsp;Ultimately, these seats will be crucial in deciding whether Democrats can keep the House. <br /> <br /> 1. In 2018, Rep. Steve Russell lost his seat&nbsp;unexpectantly to Kendra Horn, in the 5th&nbsp;district of Oklahoma&nbsp;(R+10).&nbsp;Last week, the primary resulted in a run-off&nbsp;between State Senator Stephanie Bice and&nbsp;local&nbsp;businesswoman&nbsp;Terry Neese. This seat is&nbsp;one of the GOP&rsquo;s best chances to flip&nbsp;from D to R.&nbsp;The run-off will take place on August 25. <br /> <br /> 2. In a similar R+10&nbsp;district,&nbsp;&nbsp;Rep.&nbsp;Joe Cunningham was able to flip South Carolina&rsquo;s 1st&nbsp;district&nbsp;from R to D. Rep. Cunningham is the&nbsp;only&nbsp;Democrat to hold it in the past&nbsp;three decades.&nbsp;Nancy Mace, the first woman to graduate from the Citadel, won the primary in the beginning&nbsp;of&nbsp;the month, and will face Rep. Cunningham in November. <br /> <br /> 3. Rep. Rob Woodall&nbsp;(GA-7)&nbsp;is stepping down. This has given Democrats a targeted seat to flip&nbsp;to blue.&nbsp;The primary has led to a run-off between Carolyn Bourdeaux and Brenda Lopez Romero. Bourdeaux&nbsp;ran in 2018 and narrowly lost by 0.2 percentage points&nbsp;against&nbsp;Rep. Tipton.&nbsp;Cook Political Report lists this as a Republican Toss Up.&nbsp;The run-off will take place on August 11th. &nbsp;</p> </div> </div> <div> <h5>Voting Process&nbsp;</h5> </div> <div> <p paraid="578629281" paraeid="{6b554560-0d84-4a76-b094-8df4f2a71c15}{147}">We have seen several changes&nbsp;in voting procedures&nbsp;due to the pandemic.&nbsp;While some states were able to adapt&nbsp;and&nbsp;saw very little issue, other states&nbsp;experienced&nbsp;some&nbsp;significant&nbsp;problems.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> </div> <div> <p paraid="2110247091" paraeid="{6b554560-0d84-4a76-b094-8df4f2a71c15}{171}">From the very start&nbsp;of Georgia&rsquo;s primary on June 9,&nbsp;there were&nbsp;several concerns.&nbsp;Voting machines experienced&nbsp;countless problems &ndash; some&nbsp;machines were missing,&nbsp;some didn&rsquo;t turn on, and others were delivered to the wrong places. There were long lines and a severe lack of staffing. Some folks claimed that they never received an absentee ballot, forcing them to come to the polls and others claimed&nbsp;that they received multiple ballots to their address.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> </div> <div> <p paraid="1193819413" paraeid="{6b554560-0d84-4a76-b094-8df4f2a71c15}{209}">Fortunately, other states&nbsp;like Kentucky and&nbsp;Colorado were able to address&nbsp;and&nbsp;troubleshoot errors&nbsp;in time for their primaries.&nbsp;&nbsp;With the competitive&nbsp;primary&nbsp;in Kentucky for&nbsp;Democratic&nbsp;Senate,&nbsp;election&nbsp;officials had been anticipating high&nbsp;turnout.&nbsp;Over 570,000 absentee ballots were&nbsp;received,&nbsp;and 100,000 ballots were cast at early voting locations. The two biggest counties in Kentucky &ndash; Jefferson and Fayette &ndash; held results until a week later&nbsp;to ensure that all absentee ballots were counted.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> </div> <div> <p paraid="2086576742" paraeid="{57f52e06-62a6-493b-ae31-1764d90c2456}{26}">This is not the first time Colorado has done a vote-by-mail system. Coloradans are being praised&nbsp;for&nbsp;how they handled their primary election. They,&nbsp;too,&nbsp;had&nbsp;a&nbsp;record number of voters and 99.3% or the 1.6 million voters returned their ballots by mail or drop off box.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> </div> <div> <p paraid="1420934050" paraeid="{57f52e06-62a6-493b-ae31-1764d90c2456}{54}">At this point in time, we are&nbsp;roughly&nbsp;60% of the way&nbsp;done with the primaries&nbsp;and the general elections are looming in the distance. The next four months will certainly be an interesting and unpredictable&nbsp;time &ndash; just like the&nbsp;first six months of&nbsp;2020. &nbsp;</p> </div> <a href="" class="button">Voting Resources</a>

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