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As the petroleum industry prepares for the beginning of the spring transition to summer-blend fuel, NACS examines the basic conditions that affect the industry, including the 2008 Consumer Fuels Report that examines how consumers say they are affected by high gasoline prices, especially at the pump.

Open PDF VersionHow to Use These Resources
Information about why these resources were developed and how they can be used.

Open PDF VersionGas Prices are Consumers' Top Economic Concern
(Findings from the 2008 NACS Consumer Fuels Report)
High gasoline prices are a top economic concern today, and have significantly affected how consumers behave -- especially at the pump.

Open PDF VersionWho Sells Gasoline in the United States?
Convenience stores sell more than 80 percent of the gasoline in the United States, and only about 2 percent are owned by the oil companies.

Open PDF VersionAre Petroleum Retailers Facing a Liqudity Crisis?
The increased retail price of gasoline has an underlying effect on the economy � it has dramatically reduced the financial liquidity within the convenience and petroleum retailing industry.

Open PDF VersionHow Do Retailers Get and Sell Gasoline?
Retail prices directly track wholesale gasoline prices. How and when retailers purchase wholesale gasoline plays a significant role in the ultimate price at the pump.

Open PDF VersionStatistics and Definitions
The latest information available on demand, supply, refining, distribution and retail.

Open PDF Version100-plus Years of Gasoline Retailing
Some of the significant milestones in the industry since the first gas station opened in 1905.

Where Does Your Fill-Up Go? (PDF)
More than 90 percent of the cost of a gallon of gasoline is determined before it even leaves the refinery. 68.5% in crude oil, 13.1% taxes, 6.5% refining, 11.9% post-refinery.

Gasoline Taxes (PDF courtesy of API)
Combined state and federal gasoline taxes range from a low of 26.4 cents per gallon in Alaska to 63.9 cents per gallon in California.

Related Fact Sheets
Gasoline Theft at Convenience Stores
When gasoline prices increase, many gasoline retailers report an increase in gasoline theft, commonly referred to as "drive-offs."

Motor Fuels Sales at Convenience Stores
Convenience stores sell more than 80 percent of all gasoline purchased in the country.

Debit Holds for Fuel Purchases
As gas prices and the use of plastic at the pump have increased, consumers are increasingly concerned about the debit "holds" on their accounts.

Credit Card Fees a Growing Challenge
Fees now equal more than 90 percent of a store's profits -- and continue to grow.

Gasoline Myths�and Facts
A few of the more common myths -- and the actual facts -- about gasoline.

Other Resources
Online Resources on Gasoline Prices
Web sites and resources providing additional information.

Contact Information
Reporters can click here to access NACS media contacts. Also, retailers are encouraged to provide feedback to help NACS address the issues of most concern to you.

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