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Congress would not permit all convenience stores to agree to charge the same amount for gasoline. Yet S. 575 and H.R. 1081 would allow the banks and credit card companies to continue engaging in the same practice on swipe fees!

Grassroots messages could not be more important at this point.  Every retailer needs to make their voice heard in Washington by contacting their elected officials and tell them  how much you are paying in interchange fees and how important these reforms are to your business and your customers. 

Attached are talking points for you to use to contact your elected officials.  You may visit to send a letter or you may call them at the numbers below:

Senator Jay Rockefeller


Senator Joe Manchin


Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito


Congressman Nick Rahall


Congressman David McKinley


If you are able to make contact with your congressional delegation, please advise the OMEGA Office.

Congress needs to hear from you.  Take action TODAY!


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