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  • Mykal Alexa Daniel (Crab Orchard, WV), Rick’s Supermarket
  • Cody Lane Kiner (Marlinton, WV), Woodford Oil Company
  • Ashley Marie Offenberger (Waterford, OH), Par Mar Stores
  • Thomas Cunningham Williams (Old Fields, WV), Old Fields Country Store
  • Tearsia LeAnn Fischer (Talcott, WV), Par Mar Stores
  • Luke Abram Mills (Hinton, WV), R.T. Rogers Oil Company
  • Hunter Adam Pack (Beckley, WV), Little General Stores
  • Heather Skye Hansford (Beckley, WV) Little General Stores
  • Darrian Sahana Walker (Point Pleasant, WV), City Ice & Fuel Company
  • Courtney M. White (Inwood, WV), W.H. Emmart & Son, Inc.

OMEGA’s scholarship program is designed to assist their members, children of members, employees of members and their children. The program provides a one-time $1,000 scholarship to high school seniors, undergraduates or graduate students enrolled in a full-time course of study at a college or university. Students may reapply to the program each year as long as they meet requirements.

 Congratulations to all the winners and wish them the best of luck!

encova 2020 omega
OMEGA Members Receive a 3.4% discount

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